Never feel stuck for ideas again.
Inspiration for every page of your Art Journal
Self-published zines full of creative guidance, support and inspiration to help pave the way in your art journaling practice.
Each A5 issue includes:
A Creative Theme to Explore
Artists & Art Movements to Research
Colour Palettes to Guide
Photography to Stimulate your Creative Process
Creative Prompts to Motivate
Curated Resources to Encourage
Downloadable Artists Quotes to Print
Sketchbook Explorations to Excite
and Printables to Use
This is every mixed media artists vade mecum. It will galvanise ideas, save precious creating time brain searching, with prompts and inspiration for an enriching fulfilling creative practice.
Ten Issues to collect!
I will be printing these to order to save on paper and ink.
PLUS each issue comes with it's own video of an artist date, exploring the theme in my own art journal!